Design of 3D custom-made implants

AnatomikModeling designs and develops custom-made implants that are perfectly fitting each patient’s anatomy, for the low invasive treatment of pathologies such as Pectus Excavatum or Poland Syndrom.

The modern technique of custom-made 3D implants for thoracic deformities has become a solid alternative to conventional orthopedic techniques since it obtains high-quality morphological results while minimising the risks for the patient and allows a fast recovery.

AnatomikModeling is the result of 10 years of close collaboration with Toulouse University Hospital, gathering advanced reconstructive surgery and innovative 3D modeling technologies.

The society

Find a surgeon

AnatomikModeling has selected and trained the most well known surgeons for you, to treat Pectus Excavatum or Poland Syndrome using 3D custom-made implant.

Go to the referral suregons map to find the closest to you.

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Map with worldwide referral surgeons for implant technique



It’s like receiving a puzzle piece that fits perfectly, based on the patient’s specific anatomy. The implant is placed in the center of the chest, and since it is custom-made for each individual patient, the result is very good.

Dr Pehr Sommar, Nordiska kliniken


It's now 12 weeks since I had the implant surgery to correct Poland's Syndrome on my left side. After 8 weeks I resumed swimming my daily 1km, tentatively at first. I now have full strength and movement back. I'm very pleased with the implant. It looks and feels like a part of me.

Graham, 62 years old, Dubaï (United Arab Emirats)