3D custom-made implant design of Poland Syndrome

How to treat Poland Syndrome ?

Author : Pr Jean-Pierre Chavoin, ex-Head of Plastic Surgery Department of Toulouse University Hospital, ex-President and General Secretary of French Plastic Surgery Society.

Poland Syndrome is characterised by the complete or partial absence of the pectoralis muscle. Poland cases are thus very different from one another on the anatomical level, the defect often takes the form of a depression under the clavicula and in women by a breast asymmetry.

Learn more about Poland Syndrome

3D custom-made implants technique goal is to fill the total or partial absence of muscle. The implant is unique, custom-made for each patient. The operation is quick, painless and has a very short recovery time. The results are immediate.


Poland Syndrome : 3D custom-made implant technique

3D custom-made implant technique for Poland Syndrome

Cutting-edge technology

Implants are custom-made for each patient

  • Patient's chest scan at the hospital
  • Segmentation of the skin, fascia, muscles and bones enabling a digital copy of the patient
  • Personalised implant design on computer
  • Machining of a polyurethane prototype enabling the creation of a mold for the final implant
  • Manufacturing of the silicone implant from the mold

Silicone implant

The silicone implant

AnatomikModeling custom implants are made in gum or silicone elastomer and are definitive :

  • Medical-grade polymerized silicone rubber from NuSil, registered with the FDA (Food & Drugs Administration)
  • Smooth implants , puncture-resistant and tear-proof gum, no risk of rupture or shrink shell as for silicone gel breast implants
  • implants are then manufactured by our partner according to the standards ISO 9001 and ISO 13485 meeting the requirements of the European Directive 93/42
Surgeons in the operating room treating Poland Syndrome

Poland Syndrome Surgery 

The custom-made implant will fill and replace the pectoralis major muscle allowing symmetrization of the chest and, in women, symmetrization of the breast. The implant is placed axillary, so the scar is barely visible.

The 1-hour operation, under general anesthesia, presents minimal risks:

  • Axillary incision of about 8cm and preparation of the locus to the exact size of the implant,
  • The implant is slipped into the subcutaneous locus, perfectly stabilized, so that it never moves, even downwards,
  • The surgeon closes the wall in two planes with absorbable stich and applies a circular compression,
  • Hospitalization is a maximum of 3 days.
  • The operation can be completed after a minimum of 6 months by placing a breast implant in a separate compartment and using the same axillary approach.

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Surgical outcomes

Surgical outcomes are simple and recovery is quick :

  • Little pain (simple analgesics are sufficient)
  • No post-operative care: absorbable stiches, no drain, dressing for 8-days and compression bra for 15-days
  • If presence of seroma, possible puncture within 8 days during consultation,
  • Sick leave of 15 days and sport possible 3 months after the surgery

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The custom-made 3D technique enables excellent results no matter of the sexe, the age or the deformity.

Before/After picture of a female Poland Syndrome
Before/After picture of a male Poland Syndrome

more results



The use of 3D computer modelled implants in Poland Syndrome is a big step forward. It is definitively a much more accurate technique, it is simpler, it is more time efficient, and overall it is cost efficient.

Mr Stephen McCulley, plastic surgeon, Nottingham


It's now 12 weeks since I had the implant surgery to correct Poland's Syndrome on my left side. After 8 weeks I resumed swimming my daily 1km, tentatively at first. I now have full strength and movement back. I'm very pleased with the implant. It looks and feels like a part of me.

Graham, 62 years old, Dubaï (United Arab Emirats)

Frequently asked questions

What steps should I undertake to have surgery? What preliminary screenings?

You should first consult an advisory or referring surgeon. Then have a 3D scanning done of your thorax and digital photos of front and ¾ left and right taken.

Can you combine the insertion of these custom‑made implants with breast implants?

Yes but in two surgeries, spaced at least 6 months apart, starting always with the thoracic implant. If breast asymmetry is due to Pectus Excavatum, the mere presence of the thoracic implant can sometimes correct the asymmetry and increase the size of the breasts.

At what age can you get the custom-made implant technique?

Pectus can be operated from 14/15 years old, after puberty as the thoracic deformity is no longer evolving. Concerning Poland, it is safer to wait until the body is fully developped, especially for girls, so it would be 18 years old. You can be operated until 60/65 years old if you are in good physical health.