Mr Ian Hunt
Consultant Thoracic Surgeon
The Pectus Clinic, London
London Road - SM3 9DW Sutton
+44 (0)20 3239 4469
Mr Ian Hunt, BSc (Hons) MBBS MRCS FRCS (CTh), is the Medical Director of the Pectus Clinic, a Thoracic Surgeon and Clinical Lead Consultant for the Department of Thoracic Surgery, Division of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery, at St. George’s Hospital NHS Trust and Spire St. Anthony’s Hospital.
He has an active interest in thoracic trauma and is an internationally recognized expert on chest wall and pectus deformities. He is actively involved in clinical research, training and education at undergraduate and postgraduate level. He has over 150 presentations, articles and publications and has talked at many national and international meetings on a wide variety of thoracic surgery topics. He has written reviews and book chapters and has edited several books.
Mr Hunt, working with Mr David Gateley, an experienced Plastic Surgeon and under the guidance and support of Prof Chavoin has performed nearly 50 pectus implants procedure, with around of quarter of patients (25%) having had a previous pectus operation (Nuss or modified Ravitch).
Is Vacuum Bell therapy effective in the correction of pectus excavatum? - Patel AJ, Hunt I. - Interact Cardiovasc Thorac Surg. 2019 Mar 28. pii: ivz082. doi: 10.1093/icvts/ivz082.
Effectiveness of Compressive External Bracing in Patients with flexible Pectus Carinatum Deformity: A review. - Patel AJ, Hunt I. - Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2019 Apr 25. doi: 10.1055/s-0039-1687824. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 31022736
This case highlights that a pectus implant can be used in this clinical setting with excellent outcomes, uneventful recovery and no need for further intervention....Read more
As an experienced thoracic surgeon performing corrective pectus excavatum surgery routinely I was seeing patients who did not wish to go through such an invasive procedure with its associated period of recovery. Following a visit to Prof Chavoin and the team at AnatomikModeling and detailed training in the non-corrective pectus implant technique I performed my first pectus implant at the beginning of 2017 and have gone on to perform many more procedures using the AnatomikModeling's 3D custom implant and the insertion techniques described by Prof Chavoin. Once the implant is precisely mapped using 3D CT modelling techniques the implant is expertly manufactured by Sebbin who create a high-quality custom-made implant. I have been most impressed by the simplicity of the surgical approach, the excellent custom fitting of the implant and the excellent outcomes. Recovery is so quick with patients returning to work within days of surgery and back to the gym within several weeks of surgery. It has added another dimension to my pectus surgical practice!