Pr Véronique Duquennoy - Martinot
Chef de Service Chirurgie Plastique et Reconstructrice
CHRU de Lille
Rue Emile Laine - 59037 Lille +33 (0)3 20 44 49 03
Pr Véronique Duquennoy-Martinot has been head of the plastic, aesthetic and reconstructive surgery department at the Lille University Hospital for almost 30 years and president of the French college of reconstructive and aesthetic plastic surgery. She is specialized in breast reconstruction and pediatric plastic surgery. Since 2015, she has become an expert in the treatment of Pectus Excavatum with 3D custom-made implants.
The interest of the implant technique is to perfectly answer the withdrawal symptom caused by a Pectus excavatum, a Poland syndrome or an atrophy of upper/lower limb. What I like in this technique, is that the implant is for life and also the simplicity of the surgery.