Intervista di Pierre Quinodoz, MD, Ginevra

Intervista di Pierre Quinodoz, MD, Ginevra


Pierre Quinodoz, plastic surgeon in Switzerland, explains the advantages of 3D implant technique to treat Pectus ExcavatumPoland Syndrome, or muscle deficiency

How long have you known about the technique of custom implants for Pectus Excavatum?

I’ve known about it for a number of years as I had the opportunity of working for one year as an intern at the University Hospital of Toulouse where I had the opportunity of being exposed to Professor Chavoin.

In what way would you say that this technique differs from the others?

This technique is reliable, repeatable, non‑invasive, requires only one surgery, due to its “custom‑made” ability.

How does the patient benefit from this?

I’ve never known an unsatisfied patient. They know that the result will be repeatable, they can resume their daily lives rapidly, there is no risk linked to certain other techniques that manipulate the ribs that may cause complications such as thoracic or cardiac lesions.

What do you think the future holds for “3D surgery” and custom‑made?

This type of technique has a really good promising future. The patients themselves know this since word of mouth works and they talk among themselves.


Pierre Quinodoz, MD
Chirurgie Plastique & Esthétique
Hôpital de la Tour / Clinique Générale Beaulieu - Genève

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